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Ratings Request

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Sales and Marketing

Are you in need of a rating? Contact the Egan-Jones team now to get started.

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Proxy Services

Are you interested in our Proxy services? Contact the Egan-Jones team now to get started.

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Technical Issues

If you are an existing client and is having login or any other website related issues, please contact the Egan-Jones team.

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Methodology Concerns

If you have a question, concern, or any other type of comments about our rating methodologies, please contact the Egan-Jones team.

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Provide Feedback

If you wish to give us general feedback or make a comment about Egan-Jones Ratings Company or Egan-Jones Proxy Services, or our websites, please contact the Egan-Jones team.

Get In Touch

Have General Feedback or Comment?

If you wish to give us general feedback or make a comment about Egan-Jones Ratings Company or Egan-Jones Proxy Services, or our websites, please contact When providing feedback or a comment, please tell us specifically what you need help with and we will be in touch (normally within hours of receipt). If we don't have something that fits your application we will promptly tell you and won't waste your time or our own.