Egan-Jones Newsletters
Egan-Jones strives to provide educational and inspiring newsletters to its clients and potential followers on various topics in the Ratings, and Proxy world. Check out some of our latest pieces written by highly skilled Egan-Jones employees.
Risk Commentary
The Three “Threes” and the new Economic Order
U.S. Treasury Secretary is pursuing a plan for 3% real economic growth, a reduction in the deficit to 3% of GDP, and an increase in oil production of three million barrels per day.
Major Themes Likely Impacting Industry Prospects
The pace of change over the next five to ten years is likely to be dramatic and widespread.
Presidential Plans and Pressure
The political environment is critical for an industry’s health and, in turn, for the success of sophisticated institutional investment and risk managers.
False Assumptions (regarding AI)
Chinese AI (Artificial Intelligence) firm DeepSeek, founded in 2023, is challenging assumptions regarding AI, its development, and its applications.
Back from the Dead: How Milei Saved Argentina
The common view is that once sovereignty begins slipping, it inevitably continues to do so.
Finding the Right Home
Whether we realize it or not, the environment has shifted dramatically over the past couple of years, making it nearly impossible for some businesses to thrive.
California Dreamin’
For many, California is the haven for free expression, beautiful climate, the entertainment industry, and a laissez-faire approach toward marijuana and other drugs.
Eastern & Western Paths
We write this installment not with the aim of espousing one political system over another but to assist sophisticated institutional investors and risk managers in understanding recent developments and better-predicting outcomes.
Different Strategies, Different Paths
This installment addresses our views on the underlying reasons and possible future implications — key considerations for any sophisticated institutional investor or risk manager.
Private Debt — Addressing Inherent Risks
Private debt has grown faster than most other capital sources over the past couple of years, inviting scrutiny from regulators.
Change is Painful; The Abrams tanks are tanking
A key attribute of most sophisticated institutional investors and risk managers is recognizing change early and adjusting accordingly.
The Limits of Brands: Rolex, De Beers, and Jaguar
Brands have been touted as the “special sauce,” creating insurmountable barriers to competition and ensuring financial soundness.
Be Careful What You Ask For: The Limits of Tariffs and Effect on Prospects & Credit Quality
A centerpiece of the new administration’s platform is the introduction of tariffs in an effort to make American manufacturing more competitive.
Bullets and Bonbons; Developing Credit Situations Needing Attention
Sophisticated institutional investors and risk managers can be hit with bullets and bonbons (excuse the alliteration) over the next 12 months.
Credit Tenant and Ground Lease Financings
Credit Tenant and Ground Lease financings provide opportunities for some of the lowest-cost, long-term financing available.
Game Changer; The Wisdom of the Markets
From our perspective, one of the most interesting outcomes is the maturation of the prediction markets, which were both more accurate and more timely than the traditional polling markets for determining likely outcomes from the election.
A New “Founder”; In Your Face
Just as the Reagan years are remembered as a major positive shift for investors, the current transition has the potential for similar, if not greater, gains.
Massive Reset; Changing Expectations
From time to time, there are massive, seemingly unpredictable shifts that have far-reaching implications. Our view is that one of those moments is upon us.
Reset: The Coming Changes Stemming from the Election
Rarely have the political parties been as divided as they were in this past election, with the massive exchange of insults and worse.
Avoiding Fallen Angels
Fallen angels bedevil (double entendre intended) portfolio and risk managers. The purpose of this installment is to help readers hopefully avoid these portfolio disasters.
Marx’s Nightmare
Because of converging technological developments, for better or worse, labor will increasingly be replaced by capital, with massive implications.
Branding: Evolving Expectations, and Shifting Barriers
Companies regularly try to build acceptance and a competitive moat to limit competition and ideally, increase margins.
A New Paradigm Emerges
Historically, when an entrepreneur had a great idea, they would design a product, manufacture it, and sell it to as broad an audience as possible.
Diversification: The Market’s “Gift”
Diversification is generally understood, but the math is often lost on the less informed.
Private Debt: An Accident Waiting to Happen or a More Stable Source of Funding
Invested capital in private debt has grown from $1.0 trillion in 2020 to $1.4 trillion as of 2024 and is expected to grow to $2.5 trillion by 2028
Problematic Paradigms: Calvinistic Conundrum
Many sophisticated investors (Bill Ackman, Ray Dalio, Stanley Druckenmiller, etc.) are sounding the alarms, warning of a pending cataclysm.
Super Mario to the Rescue?
At 77 years of age, one would think a luminary such as Mario Draghi would be enjoying the sun someplace on the Amalfi Coast or on the shores of Lake Como.
Blue Chips Turning Red: The Anatomy of Changing Leadership
The benefits of being a market leader are multifold, including greater profitability, typically greater sales gains, and early opportunities for innovation.
Faulty Assumptions; Dangerous Consequences
A duty of a healthy society is to address existential threats. In our opinion, Western countries have made a major miscalculation with long-lasting consequences.
A Guide to Financing Intangibles and Esoterics
Traditional lenders prefer hard assets and hard cash. However, as society has progressed, the less tangible assets have in many cases become more valuable.
Changing Leadership; Blue Chips Turning Red
The late Jack Welch, the longtime widely acclaimed CEO of General Electric, claimed that he wanted GE to be first or second in each industry.
A Peek into the Future
Imagine a time in the not-too-distant future when “machines” are more effective than most humans at performing most tasks.
Quick Guide to PACE and CPACE Funding
PACE is a mechanism for financing energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements on private property.
Unmitigated Disasters
The aim of this installment is to identify and analyze events that could prove disastrous for many professional investors.
Changing Times; Be Careful What You Wish For
As of a few quarters ago, many were rooting for a decline in longer-term Treasuries.
What You Need to Know About Litigation Finance
Litigation finance is different from the practice of lending to law firms whereby credit quality is derived from the operating income of the law firm.
The End of (the Old) Globalization and its Implications
For a variety of reasons, the free trade mantra is breaking down with global implications.
Productivity Revolution
We are on the verge of another revolution which is likely to similarly have a massive global impact.
Changing Paradigms
The world is changing rapidly and the implications are massive.
Funding the Funds
Providing capital to funds can take a variety of different forms.